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Archive for the 'Business Valuation Tips' Category

The CAPM cost of capital model requires no introduction. It is used by business appraisers, savvy investors, and even the general public on occasion. Ask your friendly securities broker about betas. You will be regaled with a list of investment prospects with different levels of risk and return, along with the beta number for each… Continue Reading

You may wonder how a casual check on business value differs from a professionally prepared business appraisal. For instance, out of curiosity business people may run a quick and dirty calculation to ball park the value of their company. But when business people approach their professional advisors for help, business valuation takes on a whole… Continue Reading

Struggling to understand how the capitalized excess earnings valuation works? You are not alone. With quite a few ‘moving parts’, this venerable valuation method has tripped even the most experienced business appraisers. But it does not have to be intimidating. Let’s dissect the enigma by stepping through the calculations step by step. First, note the… Continue Reading

Tired of blowing wads of money on overpriced database subscriptions? In business valuation, like in many things, the devil is in the details. Without a thorough work up of the cost of capital you can’t get usable discount and capitalization rates. Slick data brokers would have you believe that they somehow create the market data… Continue Reading

If there is one professional endeavor that has a lot of proverbial moving parts, it is business valuation. Small wonder you face a number of standards that govern how you should do your business appraisal. The accountant’s standard – AICPA SSVS No 1 A relative new comer to the field is the Statement on Standards… Continue Reading

Business sales tend to drop during economic downturns. None more so than in the midst of a world wide pandemic affecting all customer facing companies. Are you are doing business on the Web? Then your customers may be distracted dealing with a host of problems caused by the troubled economy. Business sale comps It is… Continue Reading

Once in a while you run across business valuation projects that must defer to special requirements.  Sometimes they appear to be in conflict with major business valuation standards. As an example,  your local court may call for just a market based business valuation even though the USPAP or International Valuation Standards (IVS) expect you to… Continue Reading

When an economic downturn strikes, one thing is sure to follow: business sales grind down to a halt. In uncertain times moving forward with a major investment entails risk. Business buyers stay on the sidelines afraid to make a bad acquisition that goes south. Business owners step back unwilling to sell their companies for a… Continue Reading

Cataclysmic events such as deadly pandemics are a major risk to people and businesses everywhere. Business value is all about risk and return. So it should come as no surprise that risky times bring changes to business values. What do the public capital markets tell us about the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic? Just take… Continue Reading

Is there a project you can take on without the threat of infection? Yes indeed! Catch up on your business valuations in the comfort and safety of your home or office. Do your business valuation – and avoid the crowds Get your business valuation software on your laptop or desktop computer, sit back, do some… Continue Reading

You may wonder: is it possible to use the established business valuation methods and still come up with erroneous results? You bet. Moreover, it happens all the time, even in professional business appraisals. The culprit is, as usual, between the chair and the computer screen, as the saying goes. Put seriously, your assumptions, depth of… Continue Reading