Over the recent years we have compiled a wealth of resources on private business valuation and made them freely available to business people and professional advisors like yourself right on this website. Determining the value of private businesses and professional practices has always been a challenge – both for business people and professionals. Despite the… Continue Reading
If you plan to buy or sell an online business, you will be glad to know that the market for privately owned Web based companies is alive and well. In addition to many individual business buyers, Internet businesses often attract larger players – corporate buyers and private equity investors. Such business buyers can pay a premium… Continue Reading
A major component of the ValuAdder business valuation software is the financial worksheets. What is the purpose of these? In short, to help you streamline your valuation projects. And to do so, we have focused on the key step in your business valuation: financial statement reconstruction. Key step – financial statement reconstruction or normalization In… Continue Reading