ValuAdder Business Valuation Blog

Business valuation tips, updates and advice. Pick up a few suggestions on how to value a business. Feel free to browse the contents or share your thoughts by leaving a comment.

This is no idle question – with cyber attacks on the rise the safety and security of your business computer has never been more important. If you are a professional advisor, the last thing you need is to experience a computer crash in the middle of a time-critical project or sustain a loss of sensitive… Continue Reading

Looking for a reliable source of valuation multiples to estimate your business fair market value? Then consider the free resources readily available to you. Best source of company comparables – government mandated filings Public firms involved in mergers and acquisitions of private companies must file government required reports. And this represents one of the most… Continue Reading

Even in a challenging real estate market quite a few specialized construction companies continue to thrive. The secret of success? Here are a few points to ponder: Construction firms in a specialized, well-protected niche, tend to weather the storm better. Established companies with strong reputation in their market place stay busy even as competitors exit.… Continue Reading

If you need to get an objective estimate of business value, consider using the valuation multiples derived from the recent sales of similar businesses. There are a number of advantages: Business valuation with multiples is easy to understand and explain. In times of economic uncertainty, business people and professional appraisers carefully consider the market trends when valuing… Continue Reading

With a global focus on sustainable manufacturing, scrap metal recycling is a key growth industry segment. Classified under the SIC code 3339 and NAICS 331419, there are just under 8,200 metal recycling companies in the US alone. The industry as a whole generates some $21.1B in annual revenues and employs close to 75,600 people. Yet an average metal recycling firm is quite small… Continue Reading

Business people often ask us: “Are different business valuation methods used to value companies in different industries?” It is a very sensible question – after all the differences between, say, a manufacturing firm and a dental practice are profound. Professional business appraisers have developed an elegant, powerful framework to deal with this challenge. At the… Continue Reading

Continuing our discussion about valuation of software services companies, let’s focus on the market valuation approach. A central technique under this approach is the comparative transaction method. It is especially useful for valuing private software firms. In a nutshell, the method lets you determine the value of your software firm in comparison to similar companies that have… Continue Reading

If you own a private mailing business or need to appraise one for a client, here are some interesting statistics to consider: Mail box rental and shipping companies are classified under the SIC code 7389 and NAICS 561. This business services sector has just under 1,500,000 firms that generate over $301B in annual revenues. The… Continue Reading

Do you own a lanscaping services company? Need to determine the value of your own business or prepare an appraisal for a client? Here are some interesting industry statistics to consider: Key landscaping industry statistics Classified under SIC code 0781 and NAICS 56173, there are over 93,680 landscaping planning, design and counseling establishments in the US alone. The industry as… Continue Reading

If you own a software firm, plan to start one or acquire an existing company, here are some interesting facts to consider: The two main segments of the software industry are custom software services and pre-packaged products. Software development services firms Classified under the SIC code 7371 and NAICS 541511, the firms in the software… Continue Reading

If you talk with professional business investors or business brokers, soon enough you will hear them mention business valuation ratios. Business appraisers refer to these tools as valuation multiples. Basically, the ratios are a technique to estimate the value of a business based on comparable business sales. Such market-based valuation tools are very useful in… Continue Reading