Valuation Multiples by Industry
Valuation in your industry:
ValuAdder gives you the valuation multiples to value your business by market comparison in your industry. What are valuation multiples?
Market-Driven Insights: Each valuation multiple is based on in‑depth analysis of business sales by industry.
Tailored to Your Business: All industry sectors are identified by their name, SIC, and NAICS codes.
Up-to-Date Data: Our multiples reflect the latest market trends, ensuring your valuation is current and precise.
You can add or edit multiples to refine your valuation.
Comprehensive Analysis: ValuAdder combines all multiples for a precise valuation, including individual results and combined averages.
Look up your business value:
Select your business type from the list.
Enter your business financial parameters such as revenue, cash flow, inventory, and assets.
See immediately the business value range, average and median values.